User Functions
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    User Functions

      Article summary

      This feature serves as an efficient alternative to the traditional process (i.e., using an Admin Menu) for creating or deactivating a user and assigning or removing a user role. It significantly reduces the time required compared to the natural process and democratizes the creation of User Functions.


      When APPLICATION is mentioned in the rest of the article, it refers to a sample application that allows you to create/deactivate a user or assign/remove a user role. Democratization here means that anyone with access to the application/section in an application (such as a Guest Record or Embed App), whether a Quixy Admin or not, will have control over user functionalities.


      An application must have necessary data capturing fields (like First Name, Last Name, Email ID, and Contact Number) for User Functions to work and provide the end result, i.e., creating/deactivating a user or assigning/removing user roles.

      How to create a user using an app?

      • Admin Menu > Apps > Manage Apps.
      • Select the app which you created to create a user, go to Settings View of the app.

      • On app settings view page, click Events and select User Functions.

      • On user functions page, click Add tab.
      • You will land on add user functions page.

      • Give a Name to the user function.
      • Select the Workflow Step and Workflow Step Action.
      • Select Create User from the Select Type drop-down.
      • Type has 2 options
        1. Single: If you want to create a single user.
        2. List: If you want to create multiple users. (Tip: Use Grid in the application and list all the users info in it)
      • Use the AddRule button, if you want to put a condition for creating a user, For example: if you want to create only the female users. 

      • After filling all the required details, click Create Mapping.

      • Map the User Elements section fields to the data capturing fields in the application, refer to the image below.
      • Mapping the fields will nullify the data discrepancies.

      After mapping the fields, you shall realize why an application with required data capturing fields was mandatory.

      • Click Save.
      • The User Function will get created, and lists in the user functions list page.

      • Once you submit a record (perform a transaction) in the application, the user will be created.
      To make the newly created user an active user. Follow the natural process of confirming the mail address and assigning a role.
      • Once the user is active, you can find the user in Users List page.

      How to deactivate a user through an app?

      It is advised to read the first section (How to create a user?) before directly jumping into this section.

      In User Functions, the configuration process for creating/deactivating users is very much similar to each other, however there is one minor change but very crucial one for deactivating a user, i.e., when creating the user function, choose the Select Type as Deactivate User.

      How to assign a user role through an app?

      It is advised to read the first section (How to create a user?) before directly jumping into this section.
      The application must have an Email Address data capturing field.

      In User Functions, the configuration process for assigning/removing user roles is very much similar to creating a user, however there is one minor change but very crucial one for assigning a user role, i.e., when creating the user function, choose the Select Type as Assign User Role.

      • Whenever you submit a record in the application with a user email address. Selected role will be allocated to the user in the selected workspace.

      How to remove a user role through an app?

      It is advised to read the first section (How to create a user?) before directly jumping into this section.
      The application must have an Email Address data capturing field.

      In User Functions, the configuration process for assigning/removing user roles is very much similar to creating a user, however there is one minor change but very crucial one for assigning a user role, i.e., when creating the user function, choose the Select Type as Remove User Role.

      • Whenever you submit a record in the application with a user email address. Selected role will be removed to the user from the selected workspace.

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