Create a Data Table from Scratch
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    Create a Data Table from Scratch

      Article summary


      Refer to the main article to gain more insights on data table.

      You can create a data table using two distinct methods.

      1. Create from Scratch

      2. Create using Excel

      3. Create from External Data Base

      In this article, let's get to know how create a data table from Scratch.

      Create a Data Table from Scratch

      • Admin Menu> Database > Create Data Table.

      • Select Create from Scratch.

      • On Create Data Table pop-up, provide a Name to the data table and select a confined space for the data table to save, i.e., Global Level or Workspace Level.

        • Global Level: A globally saved data table can be utilized to store data from any application or retrieve data into any application from any workspace.

        • Workspace Level: A data table that is limited to a workspace can store data from an application or retrieve data into an application that is linked to the same workspace.

      Click Create.


      A global data table has its Pros and Cons.

      Pro: The global data table can be accessed and utilized in any workspace.

      Con: Once a data table is designated as global, it cannot be restricted to a specific workspace.

      • Initiating the data table creation process will direct you to the table configuration page.

      • Click on Manage Columns to define the data fields for the table.

      • A pop-up will appear, enabling you to add data fields by dragging and dropping them onto the canvas.

      • Configure the properties of each field as needed.

      Instruct Caddie to Generate Single or Multiple Data Tables

      Citizen Developers can use plain text commands to instruct our Caddie to create data tables, including multiple tables with relationships and keys, automatically. Caddie generates a high-level ER diagram and allows for iterative adjustments through simple text instructions until requirements are met.

      What is Key in the Manage Columns pop-up?

      A key in the Manage Columns pop-up refers to a column or set of columns that uniquely identify each row in the table. In Quixy's database, there are three distinct types of keys: Primary Key, Composite Key, and Foreign Key.

      1. Primary Key: A primary key is a special column in a relational database table designated to uniquely identify all table records.

      Features of a primary key:

      • It must contain a unique value for each row of data.

      • It cannot contain null values.


      Students are assigned unique identification (ID) numbers, and all adults receive government-assigned and uniquely identifiable Social Security numbers.

      2. Composite Key: A composite key is a candidate key that consists of two or more attributes (table columns) that together uniquely identify an entity occurrence (table row).

      3. Foreign Key: A foreign key is a column or set of columns in one table that refers to the primary key of another table, establishing a relationship between the two tables(Refer to the Relational Database section in this article!)

      Select Key Value. This option allows you to choose the type of key you want to use for the table.

      Click Save, to finish creating the data table. However, you can even connect the data tables and create a Relational Data base structure to make it easy to maintain consistency and accuracy of the data.


      To create a data table for storing data, it is not necessary to include all the fields from the corresponding application. You can select only the required fields for the data table.


      For an app to save data in a data table, the form fields in the app and the fields in the data table must match.


      Natural Sorting Capabilities: Configure your data tables by enabling Natural Sorting at the field level such as text, auto-generated content, email addresses, calculated strings, or connected records. This feature ensures that your alpha-numeric data is presented in a seamlessly sorted manner in Grid Reports and List Views, as our regular sorting method sometimes fell short in providing the right sorting experience for alpha-numeric data.

      • Once you finish establishing everything, Save the table. The platform will ask your permission to create Basic CRUD Functions


      • If you select NO, the system will save the data table without creating the CRUD Functions.

      • If you select YES, the system will create the CRUD Functions and then save the data table. Further You can edit these functions according to your requirements. 

      • By now, your data table creation will be completed.

      • Now, if you wish to connect the Quixy data table to 3rd party platform to automatically sync data into Quixy data base. You can use Data Sync.

      Data Sync

      This functionality makes it safer and easier for organizational admins to import data automatically into the Quixy database from 3rd party databases at regular intervals. With API calls and authentication, this functionality assures data confidentiality and credibility.

      Typically, this functionality can be used in transactional processes (such as Employee data sync). On the one hand, data is collected on an ongoing basis, and on the other, you can set up a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule for the collected data to be automatically synced into Quixy database. Learn More...

      Data table Indexes

      A data table index is a feature that helps make database queries faster and more efficient (i.e., retrieving/fetching data from a data table). It works by creating a special list of all the values in a specific column of a table, along with the locations of the rows where those values appear. Learn More...

      There are best practices that you can follow while creating a data table to get yield best results.

      Relational Data base

      A relational database is a collection of information that stores data in one or more tables (or "relations") with columns and rows. This makes it easy to see how different data structures relate to each other. Relationships are logical links between tables that are set up by how the tables interact with each other. Learn More...

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