Report API
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    Report API

      Article summary

      API Report exposes the data present in a data source to 3rd party platform. However, users can filter out the required data that need to be exposed to 3rd party platform from a data source and generate a consolidated API Report.

      To consume Report API, it is mandatory for the third-party platforms to have a bearer token for authentication. To generate the bearer token, one should have Integration Access in Quixy.

      How to create API Report?

      • Go to data source list page, select the data source (Type: Report).

      • Click on the + button corresponding to the selected data source under the APIs column.

      • You will land on the API Report creation page.

      • On this page, you will be able to see whole data of a data source.
      • Now, we need to filter out the required data that we want to expose to the 3rd party platforms and save it as a API Report.
      • To show or hide a whole data column, use Columns option on the right.

      • To filter the data against a data value, use the Filters option on the left.

      • Once you filter the required data, Save the report.

      • The report will save as an API Report.
      • To view the API of the report, go to data source list page > data source > API Report, refer to the image below.

      • You will land on the API Reports page.

      • Select the report and click on the view icon to see the API of that report.

      • The report's API will be visible as shown below.

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