Access Permissions
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    Access Permissions

      Article Summary

      Access permissions in an app are crucial for providing authorization to users, roles, or entities to access specific sections of an app and perform transactions. They play a fundamental role in securing an app and controlling access to various resources within it.

      Access permissions define the actions a user or entity can perform in an application, such as Editing, Read-only, or Hidden. These permissions ensure that only authorized individuals or entities can access certain sections of an app and perform transactions.

      Define Access Permissions

      The Access Permissions page consists of two sections:

      Permission-Step Name Section: This section lists the workflow steps defined while creating the workflow.

      Sections and Elements Section: This section lists the sections and elements defined while creating the application. Each Section/Element has the following options:

      • Editable: Allows the actor/user to edit the values in that section's element fields in the application.
      • Read-only: Allows the actor/user to only read the values in that section's element fields in the application.

      Setting User Detail fields in access permissions to Read-Only may lead to data visibility issues for end-users. This is because the platform may be unable to retrieve the respective user's data due to certain constraints.

      • Hidden: Hides the whole section from the actor/user in the application.
      • Custom: Provides custom permissions for the actor/user to take action on the element fields according to the defined permissions for that section in the application.

      Defining Access Permissions in Your Application

      1. Select the step and then choose the section to define its permission.
      2. If you choose Editable, the actor/user for this step can modify the values of the element fields in the application.
      3. If you select Read-Only, the actor/user assigned to this step can only view the values of the element fields in the application.
      4. If Hidden is selected, the actor/user will not be able to see any element fields of this section in the application.
      5. By choosing Custom, the actor/user can have custom permissions to interact with the application elements based on the defined permissions.
      6. Click on Next Step Name to proceed and define the Access Permissions.
      7. After defining the Access Permissions for all steps, click on the Next button.
      8. You will then reach the Publish page, which is the final step in the application building process.

      For better understanding watch the GIF below.

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