User Detail
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    User Detail

      Article summary

      The User Detail form field fetches the My Profile data (such as Name, Phone Number, Company, etc) of the logged in user into the application. It automatically populate user's personal information into an application, without the need to manually enter it each time. This form field helps to save time and effort for the user, by eliminating the need to repetitively enter their personal information.

      1. In the case of the employee attendance scenario, the User Detail form field would allow the employee to simply mark their attendance, without the need to enter their personal details every time. The User Detail form field would automatically fetch their personal details, such as their name, employee ID, and department, from their user profile and populate it into the attendance form.
      2. Similarly, in the manager's approval scenario, the User Detail form field would allow the manager to easily and quickly approve multiple applications, without the need to manually enter their personal details for each application. The User Detail form field would automatically fetch the manager's personal details, such as their name, position, and contact information, and populate it into the approval form.

      Overall, the User Detail form field is a valuable feature that streamlines the process of entering personal information into an application or system. It enhances the user experience by reducing the time and effort required to input personal information and helps to improve productivity by eliminating the need for repetitive manual data entry. 


      • On the form builder, under references section, drag the User Detail form field and place it on the canvas.
      • Choose the Referenced Elements option within the user detail properties. The fields listed in the Referenced Elements drop-down menu are the same as the user detail fields found in the My Profile section. Bottom of Form
      • Save the property.
      • The selected fields will appear on the form builder canvas, re-arrange the fields to your desire.

      • If you want to prevent end-users from accessing the field, you can activate the Don't Show property to hide it.

      Custom Fields for User information

      Admins can have the flexibility to utilize the custom fields in applications through the User Detail Form Field. Additionally, the provision has been granted to include them in User Info List pages. Take control by choosing which personalized Custom Fields appear in each user's My Profile, enhancing the simplicity and personalization of your experience.

      User Detail in Form Field


      User Info List Page


      Custom Field in My Profile8.3%20Custom%20Fields%20GIF

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