1. App-Table Relations: Establish multiple workflow step connections in a single go
Now it's simpler to connect your apps to data tables. Instead of setting up different functions for each step-action within your apps when linking tables and apps to handle data from an app, you can now connect multiple app steps to just one function that manages the data in a table. This makes it easy for you to handle your table's data from your app using just one function. It speeds up the process and makes your app run smoother, which saves time for you.
2. Setup custom email notifications for Task Reassignment
We've added Task Reassignment app notifications! CDs can now customize email templates with personalized email body when tasks are reassigned, ensuring clear communication for each reassignment. For those who prefer a personalized touch over the platform default Task Reassignment email template, they can create their own customized templates.

3. Flexible excel export options in Grid Report and List Views
Now, when exporting Grids or Views to Excel, users have more flexibility. You can still choose to download the complete Report or View into a single sheet, just like before. In addition, we've also introduced a new option: download your Report or View into separate sheets in a workbook. How does it work? Simple! Just select a data column, and the platform will group the related records of matching values into separate sheets in an excel workbook. It's like having your own personalized Excel workbook tailored to your data needs.
4. Simplify Communication: Introducing New Data Source Scheduler Notification Features!
We've expanded our Data Source Scheduler Notifications feature! Now, along with the existing Individual type, we're introducing two new options: Grouped and List. The Individual type is used to send a separate email notification for each record in your data source. With Grouped, related data will be grouped according to a chosen data column and sent as separate email notifications, perfect for organized updates. Meanwhile, List consolidates all data records into a single email notification, simplifying communication. Choose the option that suits your needs and stay effortlessly informed!
5. User-Friendly Selections: Chip Display for Multi-Select Dropdowns
Our multi-select dropdowns now feature a Chip experience! Your selected values appear stylishly instead of being separated by commas. Choose between traditional comma separation or the default Chip format. Customize chips with dynamic colors for personalization. Enhance your user experience with the style that suits you best!
Configuration & Output:
6. Three Easy Updates to Manage Dashboards
We've made three simple yet significant improvements to our platform's Manage Dashboards page:
Shared Dashboards: We've renamed "public dashboards" to "shared dashboards" to make things clearer. In the past, sharing public dashboards was a bit tricky. You had to choose who to share them with as soon as they were made public, which meant selecting roles or individual users right away. Now, sharing dashboards is more relaxed. You can first make the dashboard sharable and then decide whom to share it with later, ensuring that every user gets access without anyone being left out.


Default Dashboards: We've now enhanced how you set a default dashboard. We replaced the switch with a friendly star icon, making it easier to spot the default dashboard located on the extreme left of the dashboard list. Clicking the star sets that dashboard as the default one, while the previous default is automatically removed.


Identification Tags: In the past, it was tricky to tell which dashboards were created by you; shared by you and which were shared with you. Now, we've added tags to the dashboard names to make this clearer. These tags show whether you created the dashboard or if it was shared with you by someone else. Plus, if you're curious about who shared a dashboard with you, just hover over the "Shared by others" tag to see their name.


These changes aim to make managing and sharing dashboards easier and more intuitive.
Usability Enhancements
1. The platform will now support zip files so now you can upload the following files (.zip, .7z, and .Rar) via the file upload element in app or tables.

2. Earlier CDs could stack the grid (App, Grid Report, and List View) headers up to two levels, now with enhanced provision the headers can be stacked up to three levels.
Grid Reports:

List Screens:

App-Grid Element: