Release Notes v3.4, Dated: 01-Jul-2023
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    Release Notes v3.4, Dated: 01-Jul-2023

      Article summary

      1. A new era for Business Rules & Validations: Unleash the power of smart logic

      We are thrilled to introduce a transformative update to our business rules feature, empowering you with a streamlined and convenient way to define app behavioral conditions. Say goodbye to the complexity of managing numerous rules as we re-imagine the process to make your life easier. Read the article...

      Key Improvements:

      a. Enhanced Rule Structure: No more endless cascades of rules! Now, you can encapsulate many conditions within a single rule. Set If conditions, else if conditions, and more, all in one place. Grouping related conditions establish clear boundaries for your app's behavior.

      b. Simplified Rule Creation: Our Natural Language Processing (NLP) capability has taken the convenience a step further. If manually defining rules feels time-consuming, express your condition and corresponding action in plain text within the NLP section. Our platform will automatically process the text and effortlessly set the conditions for you. Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to ease!

      1 BR - NLP GIF

      The enhanced business rules feature in the platform allows users to easily define rule-based behaviors in different parts of the system. Whether it's setting up triggers, connecting with external services, creating custom functions, managing data functions, configuring notifications, or automating workflows using Quick flows, the platform provides a unified solution for applying rules across these components.

      2. Introducing a seamless Data Table Experience!

      We've given our data table configuration page a complete makeover to make your life easier on our platform. Get ready for a whole new way of creating and managing data tables that are intuitive, organized, and hassle-free. Read the article...

      What's New:

      a. All-in-One View: Say goodbye to scattered options! We've brought everything you need onto a single, clean page. Edit your data table, manage columns, and freely explore tabs like Functions, Data Sync, and Indexes without getting lost.

      b. Effortless Data Control: Finding, filtering, and downloading data is now a breeze. With improved search and filter capabilities, you can quickly locate specific records. Hide or Unhide columns as needed, and even easily download the entire data set.

      2 DT Options GIF

      c. Discover the Power of Relationships: Relational data table is a game-changer, so we've entangled it from the fields list and placed it separately to showcase its true purpose. Unlock the full potential of relational data for your applications. Read the article...

      2 DT FKR GIF

      This revamped experience offers a subtle, sensible, and organized user interface. From creating a data table to managing its contents, we've designed a seamless journey that saves you time and effort.

      3. Experience a better, faster, and stronger platform with our latest framework upgrade! 

      Enjoy the platform's latest framework (Dot Net 6 -> Dot Net 7), making it faster, more reliable, and compatible with your other tools. 

      1. Faster platform: The latest framework version makes the platform faster and more efficient so that you can complete your tasks more quickly.
      2. Improved reliabilityWith this upgrade, we've improved the platform's reliability, which means you can expect fewer errors and interruptions. 
      3. Better compatibility: The latest framework version also offers improved compatibility with other software and tools, which means our platform will work better with your other tools.

      Framework Update

      4. Manager Details now available in the My Profile section 

      Users can now access their manager's contact information directly from their My Profile section. This new addition will allow users to quickly and easily get to know their manager, improve communication, and make informed decisions. 

      1 My Profile Manager Details

      5. Easily identify source data tables on Visualization List Pages 

      Admins can now see the names of the data tables from which the visualizations draw data directly in the visualization list pages. This feature will allow the admins to quickly and easily identify the source data tables and better understand the data.

      Views (BEFORE)

      2. (Before) Reports List Page - Data tables column

      Views (AFTER)2. (After) Reports List Page - Data tables column

      6. Keep track of your pending tasks with tasks count on the Dashboard 

      Introducing a new way to stay on top of your pending tasks from your dashboard. With adding the new sub-type Tasks under the Number dashlet, select the task category to see the total number of pending tasks. This feature lets you prioritize your work and focus on what's important.

      4. Dashboard - Tasks GIF

      7. Set your reports and views a meaningful Display Names 

      Citizen developers can now provide more meaningful and personalized display names when creating reports and views. This new enhancement allows end-users better to understand the purpose and value of their creation, leading to a more productive user experience.

      5. Display Name

      8. Fetch more accurate data table records with enhanced filtering conditions 

      Unlock the power of enhanced data filtering! We have expanded the range of conditions available in our data table filters, enabling citizen developers to conveniently verify and narrow down their search results. With our advanced filtering options, you can easily fetch fine-grained data directly from the data table. Take control of your data with our enhanced filters! 

      BEFORE6. (Before) Data table Filters GIF

      AFTER6. (After) Data table Filters GIF

      9. Personalize your Dashboard with Custom Wallpapers 

      Personalize your dashboard by adding custom wallpaper to make it truly your own. Upload an image of your choice and watch as your Dashlets float on top of it. Not only does it make your dashboard look great, but it also adds a touch of your unique style/branding and personality to your work environment. Try it out now and make your dashboard stand out!  

      7. Dashboard Background GIF

      10. Introducing Refresh & Update operations in Data Sync for accurate data replication and periodic data updates

      The addition of Refresh and Update Operations in our Data Sync feature, designed to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of replicated data in Quixy data tables. These new functionalities provide significant benefits by ensuring your replicated data stays up-to-date and accurately reflects any modifications made to the master data.

      Refresh Operation: With the Refresh Operation, you can effortlessly maintain a replica of the 3rd party master data in Quixy data tables, regardless of the modifications made to the master data. This includes actions such as deleting records or editing data within a record. The Refresh Operation clears all existing records in the Quixy data tables before syncing them with the master data. Doing so can make you confident that you are working with the most up-to-date and accurate data.

      Update Operation: On the other hand, the Update Operation serves a more subtle purpose by periodically updating existing records. This feature ensures that your replicated data remains synchronized with the ever-changing nature of the master data. As changes occur in the master data, the Update Operation will apply those changes to the corresponding records (according to the configured mapping made in the Data Sync configuration page) in the Quixy data tables. By automating this process, you can save time and effort while keeping your data consistently accurate.

      8. Data Sync

      11. Quixy Platform welcomes Landscape Mode for Tablets and iPads

      The new Landscape mode of our platform in Tablets and iPads will provide users with a wider and more immersive viewing experience, allowing them to explore the content in a whole new way.

      12. Use JWT token authentication to secure your App Integration 

      We're excited to announce that we've implemented JWT token authentication (Oauth 2 JWT) for App Integration in addition to the existing authentication types. Generate a unique token to authenticate your requests. Once verified, your application can securely access data, ensuring its safety. The token's validity duration should be at least one month and not exceed three years.

      10. App Integrations - JWT


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