Release Notes v3.0, Dated: 30-July-2022
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    Release Notes v3.0, Dated: 30-July-2022

      Article summary

      Platform Improvements

      Transformative experiences with Data Source

      With our major release 3.0, we are bringing a host of upgrades to the Data sources with all new experience while creating and managing. 

      Flexibility & Maintainability: 

      You will now have a flexible data source that is also easy to manage, because you can now create an unlimited number of visualizations such as Reports, References, and Views (Listscreen) with useful Static Columns and Business Rules as Add-ons. unlike before. Learn More...

      Visual Relations (JOINS) 

      Visual representation of the relationship between multiple data tables when joined, similar to an Entity-Relationship diagram providing details at a glance. In addition to the Inner Join, we are now introducing Left Join as well. Learn More...

      Introducing Union Clause 

      Merge multiple Data Sources with Union clause to build a Super-Data source suited to your business needs. A merged data source will have a significantly larger pool of data than a normal data source. Learn More...

      As of now, Quixy will only support the Union All clause that potentially combines all the data rows from the selected data sources along with duplicate data.

      VIP NOTE

      Static Columns and Business Rules have been separated out as Add-Ons for the data sources, so they no longer interfere with the configuration process. Not every data source needs a Static Column or Business Rule. If needed, you can now add as many as you like them, on top of a data source.

      Manage Apps: Experience the modern UI

      The experience of managing apps has been rethought to be functionally rich, modern, and aesthetically pleasing. We have made two major upgrades, namely: 

      1. We've condensed and compacted all the app-related functionalities onto one page, App View Page. You no longer need to look for app-related functions running around the platform. 
      2. App analytics is a new addition that will provide a visual understanding of the number of transactions made in an app periodically. Learn more...

      Numerous enhancements in Grid Report

      We've made the Grid Report even more user-friendly with some new enhancements. The following are the upgrades: 

      1. Advanced Filters: Similar to List screen’s filters engine, the Grid report now has an improved filtering engine with the most up-to-date UI and functionality. This provision will be available in the mobile version as well.

      Grid Filteres GIF

      2. Global Search: Similar to List screen’s Global Search, the Grid Report will now have its own dedicated Global Search. Using this global search, you can easily search for specific data that is available in the report.

      Grid Global Search option

      3. You can now even optimize the global search to obtain faster results than ever before. Select the desired columns available in a Grid report on the its set-up page so that the platform will only search through them when looking for requested data. This very functionality is now also available in List screen as well.

      Grid Search Fields

      4. Reset Serial Numbers post data filters: When the original data records are filtered, grouped, or sorted, the serial numbers will now reset to make the data more readable.

      Grid- S-NO Issue GIF

      5. Additional provision to standardize the Grid Records Count: From Preferences, you can now pre-define the number of records per page for any Grid (list screen, reports, In-App grid control) at the Organization level. Head over to Preferences -> General -> Default Records Per Page.

      Grid Records count GIF

      Group Aggregates in List screen 

      You can now transform the data in a List screen to your liking by using the Group Aggregates option to perform quick calculations like sum or average on the numeric fields. Just the way we do in a Grid Report.

      List Aggregates GIF

      Dashboard Enhancements 

      Previously, when end-users modified a public dashboard, it would convert into a local dashboard for that particular user, losing its public status. Because of this, end-users never got admin-made modifications to the public dashboard thereafter, creating large communication gaps. 

      Now, end-users may make a public dashboard their default so they never miss admin-made changes. If they wish to make changes to the public dashboard and save it for personal use, they can make a copy of the public dashboard, alter it, and save it as a local dashboard without affecting the public dashboard. 

      Dashboards GIF

      Preferred digital assistance for field validation errors

      When users encounter a field validation error for the apps with Previous-Next capability, the platform will now instantly notify the field validation errors (If Any) on the current section before navigation to the following section, unlike before. 

      So now, instead of wasting time navigating back and forth between the app sections looking for the first validation error field, quickly address the error and move forward.  

      Quixy supports Google SSO IDP

      Good news for the users using Google SSO as IDP for 3rd party relations, Quixy now supports Google SSO IDP with provider types, Open ID and SAML. Learn More about SSO...Google SSO GIF

      Deeper customization to App Notifications

      Adding app data fields to the Email Body of an app notification is already possible in our platform. In addition, you can now attach the app data fields to the Email Subject as well. 

      App Notification GIF

      Introducing heightened control over Business validations execution

      We believe that business validations provide deeper and broader control in designing an app experience that is tailored to the business process. As of now, the platform supports a Workflow step level execution strategy for Business validation. What if the validations are only valid in certain scenarios and actions? 

      We're now adding a new dimension to the behavior of Business validations. You will be able to choose not only a Workflow step but also an Action, giving you and your users even more control over how validations should or should not behave. 

      As a result, the app experience was molded to the business process, with superior CX as a result. 

      Usage Analytics on Messages exchanged

      We are starting our journey towards showcasing Usage analytics with messages exchanged over SMS and WhatsApp channel.  

      Head over to the Preference -> Account & Subscription page to view details. 

      Launching Chatbot

      We are launching Quixy Chatbot for Microsoft Teams. You can now access your apps not just only from Web or Mobile anymore, the on-the-go access is taken a step further with Chatbot.  

      Our goal with Chatbot has been to humanize and streamline the interactions between the users and the core services, thereby enhancing the CX multi-fold.  

      Have one or more apps that your users use daily or regularly, enable the apps on Chatbot. Your users will be able to access the apps on the go via the enterprise message Channel i.e. Teams. Learn More...

      Chat bot GIF

      Tech Stack Upgrade 

      We have made quite an exciting under the hood change advancing MongoDB from version 4.0 to 4.4. You will be able to experience these elegant improvements in your day-to-day platform usage.


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