Release Notes v2.4, Dated: 02-April-2021
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    Release Notes v2.4, Dated: 02-April-2021

      Article summary

      Improvements in the User Interface 

      Different help (‘i’ icon) options for Non-Admin User and Admin User

      From now, the options available in help (‘i’ icon) for the Non-Admin Users and Admin Users are shown below.

                          Non-Admin Users 

                   Organization Admin/Workspace Admin 


      Activities option moved to User Profile  


      The Activities option used to be in Custom Menu, as shown below. 



      The Activities option is moved to User Profile, as shown below. 

      There are 4 different options available in My Activities page, as shown below. 


      Enhancement to wrap text in Grid headers  


      Resizing of the grid columns has resulted in breaking the text in the grid headers, as shown below. 


      Resizing of the grid columns will wrap the text in the grid headers, as shown below. 

      Easy access to configure Custom Menu 


      Admin users used to go to Admin Menu > Preferences > Custom Menu to configure the custom menu which was a lengthy process. 


      Admin users can click on the Settings icon in the Custom Menu to configure the custom menu, as shown below. 

      Users can follow the steps mentioned below to configure the custom menu or make changes in custom menu. 

      1. Users can edit the folders to add or remove the items in a folder in the custom menu, as shown below. 
      2. Users can add new folders or new items in the custom menu, as shown below. 
      3. Users can enable the configured custom menu and Publish the changes, as shown below. 

      Improvements in the Web Application 

      Data Source records limited to view only 100 records 

      With this enhancement, admin users will see only the top 100 records in a data source (15 per page), though a data source can contain more than 100 records. We are enforcing this limitation only in data source view records. 

      This enhancement is to avoid performance issues while creating a data source or viewing data source records. Users can see top few records in a data source to verify the configuration of the data source and no need to see all the records present in the data source, so we have limited the data source records to show only the top 100 records. 

      Link provided to change notification preferences through Email Notifications 

      We have included a new footer message along with a link (Account Preferences) in the email notifications sent from Quixy. Users can access the link to navigate to their Quixy platform’s notifications page to change their notification preferences. 

      The footer message for System Notifications like Forgot Password, Reset Password, User Registered, Role Assigned etc., is as shown below. 

      The footer message for App Notifications like Task Created, Task Completed, Task Escalation, Task Reminder etc., is as shown below. 

      Enhancements in the Form Builder 

      Option to show or hide the Section Title Bar 

      In Form Builder, we have added a new Show Section Title Bar option in the Section Properties to show or hide the section title in the add record page of an application. By default, this option will be checked in the Section Properties. 

      Example: If the Show Section Title Bar property is unchecked in the Section Properties of the Form Builder. You will not see the section title bar (Employee Expense Details) in the add record page of an application, as shown below. 

      If the Show Section Title Bar property is checked in the Section Properties of the Form Builder. You will see the section title bar (Employee Expense Details) in the add record page of an application, as shown below. 

      New option to enable the navigation between the sections 

      We have added a new Enable Previous Next option in the publish step of the app creation process, as shown below.  

      Checking this option while publishing the application will enable the Previous and Next navigation buttons to navigate between the sections in the add record page of an application, as shown below. 

      User can click on the Next button to open another section to fill the details, as shown below. 

      Enhancement in List Screen 

      Users can now stay on the same page of the list screen records form where they have opened an App, Report, etc., as a pop-up to perform a transaction. 

      Example: The users will remain on the 2nd or 3rd page of the list screen records from where they have opened a pop-up and performed a transaction. 

      Previously, users used to navigate on the 1st page of the list screen records every-time after performing a transaction form a certain page (I.e., 2nd or 3rd page). 

      New option ‘Open app as report’ added under Data Actions in List Screen

      We have added a new Open app as report option under Data Actions in list screen. Organization Admin / Workspace Admin users can configure this new data action option to open an app in read-only mode along with data. 

      After clicking on the new data action button/link/icon in the list screen, the app will display on the screen without any action buttons, as shown below. 

      Provision to capture data from Mobile Devices

      We have added a new Mobile Devices option under Admin Menu > Preferences.  

      We have introduced this new option for admin users to provide visibility on the details like battery status of the mobile device, login session info, last logged-in info, mobile device details, user info, latitude/longitude values, etc., when a user logs into Quixy application through a mobile phone. 

      If you enable the Enable Battery Health Check option, the system will send Email/SMS notifications to users when their phone battery drains to 50% or below and it will continue to send the notifications at different intervals when the phone battery drains to 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%. 

      Battery Health Check is configurable at Organization level or Role level. If the admin users choose to configure at role level, they can select the Workspace and the Role. If they choose to configure at organization level, they can just select the Organization option 

      New property option ‘Resize File’ added in File Upload Form Element 

      We have added this new property Resize File option in the File Upload Form Element. App creator can check this option to resize the uploaded file automatically and fit into system requirement. 

      The App creator can uncheck this option if they choose to upload the original size of the file without resizing it. 

      Example: If any user is trying upload an image of a Rose flower of original size 1MB, and if the Resize File option is checked, then the system would decrease the size the file by 4x times its original size. If the Resize File option is unchecked, then the system would take its original file size (I.e., 1MB). 

      Provision to save multiple views in List Screen 

      Previously, users had the provision to save only a single view in the lists screen. Now, users can save multiple views in the list screen by grouping, filtering, changing the row height, changing the order of columns etc., according to the requirements. 

      The saved views can be easily accessed in the Views drop-down, as shown below. 

      Improvements in the Mobile Application 

      Provision to trigger a call using phone number field in mobile app 

      Users can now directly trigger a phone call by clicking on the dialer icon corresponding to the Emergency Contact Number field under user profile in Quixy mobile app, as shown below. 

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