Release Notes v2.11, Dated:10-Mar-2022
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    Release Notes v2.11, Dated:10-Mar-2022

      Article summary

      Platform Improvements

      The user creation, deactivation, assigning/removing a role in Quixy is now universal

      The Guest Record feature in Quixy is now all charged up to employ the User Functions. This enhancement shall bring a sense of democratization within Quixy when creating user functions. 

      So, from now on, anyone with Quixy’s guest record (especially useful for employing user functions) can Create a user, deactivate a user, and Assign/Remove a user role in Quixy without being a part of Quixy.  

      For example,  

      Assume a company has a website and wants to allow their customers to sign up for the Quixy portal via a self-registration form embedded within their website. So that their customers can sign up for the portal through their website and access the Quixy portal to view their orders, status, and so on. 

      In situations like the one described above, it's possible for a business entity admin to create a guest app in the Quixy platform and put it on the main website. In addition, the admin can now set up guest app functions so that when a guest fills out the form, an account and role will be set up so that the customers can access the Quixy portal right away. 

      Lookups (Pre-defined choices) are now available for the Radio form field

      We've raised the bar for the Radio form field to be on par with Drop-down form fields in defining choices. Lookups can now be used as predefined options in the Radio form field. 


      Relocate user menu position from left to top

      Depending on your organization's needs, you can now choose to shift the user menu (left menu) from its default position (left) to the top of the dashboard. This will inevitably supply you with more area for the dashboard, which can sometimes fit the bill. 

      Wondering how? Go to Admin Menu -> Preferences -> General -> User Menu Position 

      2.1 CM GIF

      Re-assign team tasks effortlessly

      Reassigning the team tasks will be much easier now than ever before. With just two clicks, you can reassign any task to any user. Take a look at the GIF below. 


      Quixy Community

      We have launched our community. The platform users can use the community platform to connect and interact.  
      Quixy community platform will act as a unified forum for members to get quick answers to your questions related to the platform from other community members, request new features, provide feedback on existing features, and even prioritize features on the platform backlog. Users will also have the opportunity to spotlight other makers and showcase their no-code projects to inspire others. It will also act as a source of information for users to know about upcoming events, company announcements, new platform updates, and participate in many other fun activities. 


      Conditions in Quickflows

      You can now apply conditions (Add Rules) and diversify the capabilities of Quickflows types, just like you configure in triggers and app notifications. 


      Synchronize any 3rd-party DB with the Quixy DB

      Quixy's new Data Sync functionality makes it safer and easier to import data automatically into the Quixy database from 3rd party databases at regular intervals, or on-demand. With API calls and authentications, this functionality assures data confidentiality and credibility.

      Learn more about Data Sync...


      New highlights in Document Report

      1. Download as PDF 

      You can now download a document report in PDF format. Navigate to the document report view page to find the download option. Refer to the image below. 


      2. WhatsApp

      Now take the liberty to send a document report to any WhatsApp number. This will improve reliability and make things easier in sending the document report. Navigate to the document report view page to find the WhatsApp option. Refer to the image below. 


      New facelift for Help menu

      Prior to change 


      After Change


      Tasks: Platform to share the joy of “No Tasks” with you

      Relax and enjoy the mood-setting backdrop photos on the tasks page once you've completed all your tasks. 


      Minor yet meaningful change in the Users List Page

      A user in Quixy can be classified as either Active or Inactive. We have re-classified the tabs in the users list page to better differentiate between Active users (Users + Pending Users) and Inactive users, as defined below. 

      New tabs definitions:  

      Users: This tab displays all active users on the platform, i.e., users with a role, a manager, and a confirmed email address.  

      Pending Users: This tab displays partially active users (Newly created), i.e., users who have not yet been assigned a role, manager, or confirmed email address in Quixy.  

      Inactive Users: This tab displays a list of all users whom the organization's administrator has deliberately deactivated. 

      Prior to change


      After Change


      Characters limit increased for dashboard's name

      Now take advantage of the 50-character limit when naming your dashboard. 

      Platform to provide detailed user info in required places

      Good News! When searching for a user to select, as part of a configuration process (like in App Notifications, User Reference Form Element, Workflows, and so on), the platform will now provide the user's full name, ID, and phone number, along with the user's email address. Now, you can see more than just the user's email and search users by their names. 


      Especially for User Reference Form Element, you can even choose to display only the desired user details along with the email address. 


      Add new custom fields to the user's profile to collect additional information

      In addition to the basic information like Name, Email, Contact Number, Gender, and so on, in User Profile. Organizational admins now have complete freedom to add new custom fields to user profiles to capture any essential additional information from end-users.  

      The additional data collected will be available across the platform for users. Refer to the GIF below. 


      Better user experience while accessing the dashboard's dashlets (App Shortcuts and Count Dashlet)

      Accessing App Shortcuts, Report Shortcuts, and other dashboard shortcuts will now work more smoothly for users.  

      Prior to change 


      After change 


      Dashboard: New ‘App as Report’ option in Shortcuts

      If you wish to open an app as a report from the dashboard itself (like we do in the List screen), this new option will make your life a lot easier. 


      App integrations: send grid data to 3rd party platforms

      Previously, we could only push data from individual elements (but not Grid elements) into third-party systems using App Integrations; however, this will no longer be the case; you will now be able to push data from grid elements alongside individual elements. 


      Enhancement in Calculate Field to return decimal value including suffix zero(s)

      Whether zero (0) comes before or after in a decimal value, the placement of a single zero can significantly impact the numerical value, such as operations like in accounting / financial associated transactions. The zero at the end of a decimal number is commonly overlooked. However, from now on, according to the decimal places set in the Calculate Field to Round / Round Up / Round Down a number, zero will now appear at the end of the decimal number. 


      Performance Improvements  

      We have made pagination improvements at a few places across the platform. You will be able to experience these elegant improvements in your day-to-day platform usage. Performance and Customer experience were high on our minds when we took this leap towards advancing the tech nuances. 

      Introducing payments gateway in Quixy

      We are excited to announce that Quixy is now providing Payment Gateway Integrations for seamless online transactions from Quixy apps. Users can pay directly from the Quixy platform for account receivable use-cases,and this feature's sole purpose is to collect money based on the requirements.   

      Payments currently can only be processed through the PAYTM gateway; however, gradually, we will bring in the other gateways such as Razorpay, CCAvenue, PayUMoney, etc. 

      For example 

      Consider a scenario in which an organization needs to collect money from their customers to place an order using the Quixy app. With this new feature, the organization administrator can now turn on the Payment Gateway Integration using the Paytm account and enable PGI integration in the app workflow to collect the money from the customer. The collected amount will reflect in the Organization’s Paytm account automatically. 

      Learn more about Payments Gateway...


      Democratization of Multi-lingual support in Email templates and RTE

      When customizing the Email Templates and Rich Text Editor (RTE), you can now use multiple languages within the templates and RTE. 


      Integrations: New ability to map and handle API response data in Quixy

      Real-time monitoring of an API call's response is essential in some business use-cases, but it can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Users of Quixy need not be concerned about the time-consuming process, as we have upgraded Integrations so that you may easily capture the API response data, and it's optional.  

      For example,

      Assume an ERP company uses the Quixy platform as the first step in their Order Fulfillment Process to allow users to place an order. When a new order is initiated in Quixy, the Quixy platform connects to the ERP company (third-party system) through integrations to generate a tracking number and return it to Quixy to save the response data for future order processing and tracking.  

      To ensure that, your app should have the required data capturing fields to capture the API response data, and you need to verify that the correct mappings are made to the fields while configuring the Integrations. Refer to the Integrations article for more details. 

      Quixy Academy

      We are very excited to announce Quixy Academy!  

      We all believe that No-Code has the potential to transform your business, and you can be at the forefront of this digital revolution. Quixy Academy introduces the nuances of No-Code to the Quixy Platform and assists you in this endeavor.  

      You can access the Academy from the Platform. Just head over to Help and select Academy. Choose your proficiency, enroll and rock on. 


      Provision to provide report access to multiple roles at once

      Organization admins can now provide report access to multiple roles at once in a particular workspace. 

      Prior to change 


      After change 



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