Quixy Chatbot
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    Quixy Chatbot

      Article summary

      An overview of what Quixy chatbot is and How to use it

      Quixy Chatbot is a feature that allows users to access their applications from the Microsoft Teams app, aiming to simplify app access and activities for end-users. The goal of Quixy Chatbot is to make accessing apps and performing app-specific activities more straightforward.

      1. Quixy chat bot is currently available only on Microsoft Teams. Refer to MS Teams Installation guides.
      2. Learn how to configure chatbot in the Quixy platform.
      3. Refer to channel specific articles to understand the login process: MS Teams.

      In the upcoming sections, we will delve into the Quixy Chatbot's functionality using a typical use case as an example.

      Use Case: Insurance Quotation Request

      In the Insurance Quotation Request use case, an application is designed to estimate the cost of insurance coverage from various companies. By requesting quotes from multiple insurers, users can compare offers and select the most suitable option. For example, if you own a construction company with properties across the country, you may need insurance for construction activities at different locations. In this scenario, you would request quotations from different insurance providers to find the best coverage for your needs.

      The image below illustrates the app specific to the use case.



      For the Quixy Chat bot feature to function, a few prerequisites must be met before moving further with the configuration.

      Below is a list of the two steps involved in configuring the Quixy Chat bot.

      1. You should to be logged into a working Quixy account.
      2. An application released for the Quixy Chatbot.


      For security reasons, the Quixy Chat bot session remains active for 24 hours. After this period, you will be required to log in again using a one-time password (OTP).

      Post Login Experience

      Once you provide the OTP (triggered to Email/Mobile number), you will be authorized and Quixy Chatbot will personalize the message for you.

      Here is the illustrative view of the experience when you have apps to access **

      When you do not have access to apps i.e. the administrator has not enabled your organization apps for Chat bot, below given is the illustrative view of the experience.


      Rest of the article will explore the data field level experiences in detail.

      Access Apps

      As soon as you log in, chat bot will personalize a message for you and provide option to view the list of all the app available for chat bot access.

      • Select the first option, View the list of apps.
      • The chat bot would provide the list of apps.


      Field level Experience

      Quixy has 40+ fields and more than ~70% of these fields are supported on Chatbot. Let us now explore the field level experience.

      Scenario: Field is mandatory

      Applicable to: All fields

      Here the Chat bot expects you to provide a value. Every mandatory field name is suffixed by an asterisk (*), which helps you visually differentiate the fields during the Chatbot conversation. Failing to provide input or attempting to skip the field will result in an error. Refer to the image below that depicts the experience.


      Scenario: Field is optional (non-mandatory)

      Applicable to: All fields

      Here the field is optional, and you will not find a visual marker (asterisk). You have complete autonomy to skip the field by entering Skip or Next as a keyword. Refer to the image below that depicts the experience.

      Scenario: Field is Read-only

      Applicable to: All fields

      Read-only fields are for information only. You will not be able to make any changes or updates to the value that may have been set through the app level fields or business rules. Refer the image below that depicts the experience.

      Scenario: Field values have been pre-set at app level or through business rules

      Applicable to: All fields

      Here the field value may have been pre-set by the Citizen Developer during the app design or may well be manipulated through a business rule (Set value, Set field value etc.). In such a scenario, you have complete autonomy whether to accept the value or to override the value by providing the input. If you wish to accept the value, just provide the new input else enter Skip or Next to accept the pre-set value. Refer the image below that depicts the experience.


      Scenario: Field accepts predetermined formats

      Applicable Fields: Date, Time, Date time, Date Range

      In Quixy, Organization admin has the capability to define the time zones for users. Time zone determines the date and time format the organization accepts. You will be provided with the acceptable format for the fields, and you are expected to adhere to the specified format. If the format is not honored, chatbot would warn you to correct the format. Refer to the image below that depicts the experience.

      Scenario: Field accepts predetermined pattern validation

      Applicable Fields: Text, Text Area, Number, etc

      There are scenarios where you are expected to provide the input to a field in a particular format. This is referred to as Pattern validation on the Quixy platform. You may encounter errors because of your input's non-adherence to the expected pattern. You will now be expected to provide the input in the expected format, and an error message will be of assistance. Refer to the image below that depicts the experience.

      Scenario: Search

      Applicable Fields: Single and multi-select fields such as Drop down, Checklist, Data table reference, Data source reference.

      Taking an example of Data table reference. The field may have 100+ options to choose from and it gets overwhelming for you to choose the right option.

      When the number of options exceed 15, Chat bot shows the top 15 and an option to Search for the desired option. Based on the text / input provided, Chatbot would filter the matching options and provide the shortlist of options to choose from. There is also an option to clear the search and try again. Here are the steps to search

      1. Enter Search as the keyword to enter the search mode.
      2. Provide partial or complete keyword to begin the search.
      3. View results and select the option of your choice (i.e., Enter option number or option text to select)
      4. In case of Multi select, enter multiple option numbers, or option text separated by a comma.
      5. If you are not convinced with the search results, enter Back as keyword to clear the search and start over.

      Refer the image below that depicts the experience.


      System messages and Validations

      Broadly, there are two types of messages that you would experience while using the Chatbot. System messages are the conversation bits that are prompted when you encounter a system error due to various reasons. Validations are the conversation bits that assist you in staying on track with the app interactions. Examples of validations are specific to fields such as Required field validations, length validations, pattern validations etc. that are driven through the Business rules and validations.

      Example: In our Quotation Request Form, if the Age of the Building is greater than 50, the chat bot should not allow the user to submit the data. To understand the chat bot experience in this scenario, refer to the image below.


      Chatbot ensures that all validations are cleared before you get to save the data which in-turn upholds the data integrity for the organization. Once you provide the input for the last field of the app, all app level business rules and validations are run to ensure there are no business rules induced errors or warnings. If there are one or more validation errors found, You will be presented with list of error or warning message along with the fields that needs correction. You will then be able to select one field at a time to edit or make corrections. Each time a field value is corrected, the business rules and validations are run again to check if the errors have been resolved.

      This step repeats till you have resolved all the errors or warnings. Image below illustrates the process of picking and making corrections.


      Now that you have provided all the field values, the Chatbot will consolidate the data and display the field names and corresponding input values that you may have provided in a Summary view.

      This summary view acts as a Preview before you decide to save or submit the record.

      In case you wish to make any changes to one or more fields, you simply can select one field at a time by providing the serial number against the field to make updates. This step would have to be repeated several times based on how many fields values you wish to update.


      Reaching Summary implies that all data related validations and errors are resolved. You will be able to save the record.

      Now that you are content with all the changes, the Summary will show you the updated details. You will not have a choice to Save or Cancel the record.

      The chat bot will display all fields and updated data in a single output summary when the changes are finished.

      Refer to the image below that illustrates the summary view and the entire process of changing one or more field values.


      Save / Submit Record

      Done with all the changes and ready to save the record, follow the instructions provided by the Chatbot.

      • If there is only one defined action button for an app, the chat bot will automatically perform the transaction as soon as you enter Save.
      • If an app in Quixy has more than one button, such as Accept/Reject, Submit/Review, the chat bot would provide the action buttons and ask you to select the appropriate action you wish to take. To understand the chatbot experience in this scenario, refer to the image below.


      Quick Access

      As soon as you complete the app submission process, the chatbot will offer a Quick access option to access the same application again. You will also have an option to access your list of apps as well. Refer the image below.


      After the chatbot provides Quick Access options, if the transaction with the chat bot is left unattended for more than 24 hours, you shall be prompted to log in again to continue accessing the applications.


      Terminate Flow

      While in the process of accessing the app, if you wish to terminate the activity, you can do so by entering Terminate keyword. While in the summary step, you can cancel the activity by entering Terminate as the keyword.


      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. I am not able to find the Quixy app in the Teams app store. What should I do?

      Answer: You encounter this situation if the MS Teams administrator blocks users of the organization from accessing public (Third-party) apps from the Teams store. Please reach out to your MS Teams administrator for enabling Quixy on the Store. If you are an administrator, please refer to the Installation guide for more information.

      2. I am unable to login to Quixy Chatbot. How can I access my apps?

      Answer: Please contact your Quixy administrator to check the validity of your account on Quixy platform.

      3. I have logged into Quixy Chatbot but have no apps to access. How can I access my apps from Chatbot?

      Answer: Your Quixy administrator may have not enabled your apps for Chatbot. Request your administrator to make your apps "Available on Chatbot"

      4. Chatbot keeps logging me off automatically everyday. I do not wish to sign in everyday to access my apps. What should do to avoid this?

      Answer: Our intention is to keep your account secure and your data safe. With minor inconvenience, you can be assured about your access to the apps. Hence we strongly recommend a daily login to access all your Quixy apps from Chatbot.

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