QR Code
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    QR Code

      Article summary

      A QR code (Quick Response code) is a type of two-dimensional barcode that can store a variety of information, such as text, URLs, contact information, or other data. QR codes are easily scanned using a QR code reader, which can then access the embedded information. They are commonly used for product tracking, ticketing, and other applications where quick access to information is needed.

      How is it useful?

      The QR code itself may not have much significance, but when combined with the QR code scanner, it can be very powerful. The QR code scanner property is available for almost all data capturing fields in the form builder.

      Here's a sample use case to illustrate how it works:


      Use Case: E-commerce Order Tracking with QR Codes

      Imagine you have an e-commerce business where you sell products online and use a courier service to deliver them to customers. You want to streamline your delivery process by implementing QR codes in your package labels.

      1. When a customer places an order on your website, the system generates a unique QR code for that order.

      2. You print the QR code on the package label along with other shipping information.

      3. When the courier picks up the package, they scan the QR code using QR Scanner on their mobile device or a handheld scanner. This action retrieves all the necessary information about the shipment (like address, name, pincode, etc.,).

      4. The courier updates the package status in real-time as they transport it, which can be tracked by both you and your customer.

      5. Once the package is delivered, the courier scans the QR code again to mark it as delivered, triggering an automatic notification to your customer.

      By using QR codes in your package labels, you can streamline your delivery process, reduce errors, and provide real-time tracking to your customers, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales for your e-commerce business.

      Let's demonstrate how QR code functions using the above use case. This will enable us to visualize the process of generating a QR and scanning QR codes in action.

      Point 1 (QR Code): When a customer places an order on your website, the system generates a unique QR code for that order.

      Configuring the QR code

      QR config GIF

      Generating the QR Code

      QR GIF

      Point 3, 4, and 5 (QR Code Scanner): Scanning the QR code and retrieving the data to either when collecting the order or deliver the order according to the above use case.

      Configuring the QR Code Scanner

      QR Code Scanner has two self-infected options that can affect the actual usage of the scanner.

      • Open by Default: This option if enabled allows the QR Scanner to open automatically as soon as the end-user opens the app.

      • Submit on Scan: This option if enabled enforces the app to complete the transaction (submit record) in an app as soon as the QR code is scanned.

      QR Scabnner Congif Gif

      Scanning QR Code

      QR Scanner GIF

      Field Themes

      Font Properties

      Field Label Color: Choose or modify the color of the label name.

      Field Label Size: Select the label size: Small, Medium, Large, or Custom.

      Field Label Style: Apply styles such as Bold or Italic to the label name.

      Field Value Color: Modify the color of the field's value.

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