Manage Organization Settings (General)
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    Manage Organization Settings (General)

      Article summary

      An overview of Preferences (General)

      To get an idea of all the preferences that you can set for your organization, refer to the image below.

      Task Completion Redirection

      You can choose one of four alternatives (Dialog Popup, Dashboard, Next Task, View Data) for the page to which you wish to be forwarded after completing a task from the tasks page.

      Dashboard Preview

      The home screen view will be updated to display multiple dashboards. Each dashboard will be represented as a tile, providing a visual overview of the available dashboards. Users can easily navigate between dashboards by clicking on the respective tiles. You can choose between standard view and Tabs view.

      Element Control Style

      Fields where you enter data can be customized by defining their shape.

      Refer to the images below to get a better understanding.

      For Material, you can see horizontal lines.

      For Bootstrap, you will see boxes.

      Read-only Fields Style

      Manage the experience of read-only fields either to be bordered & shady or borderless-white.

      Bordered & shady experience



      User Menu Position

      Depending on your organization's needs, you can choose to shift the user menu (left menu) from its default position (left) to the top of the dashboard. This will inevitably supply you with more area for the dashboard, which can sometimes fit the bill.

      2.1 CM GIF

      Time Zone

      This is to set a time zone for your organization. All the date and time fields across the platform will follow it and the Emails, SMS which are scheduled to send on weekly, monthly, and daily will follow the same time zone. 

      Date Format

      You can select the format of the date which will fit your organization.

      Time Format 

      You can select the format of the time which will fit your organization.

      Duration Format

      Time can be recorded in Hours, Minutes, and seconds with the Duration sub-category within the Date form field. Administrators have the option of selecting either the "HH:MM:SS" or "HH Hrs MM Mins SS Sec" format.

      21 Date Duration GIF

      Default Records Per Page

      You can pre-define the number of records per page for any Grid (list screen, reports, In-app grid control) at the Organization level.

      User Registration

      Turning this on will allow users to sign up from your organization login page if they do not have login credentials. The signup option would display on the top-right corner on the login page, as shown below.

      Enable RTL

      Turning this on will enable RTL for newly created users in your organization.

      By default users will see the LTR alignment. This feature allows the users to experience the platform in an enhanced way where every element aligns from ‘Right-to-Left’ on the screen when RTL is activated. By default, users will be able to see the ‘Left-to-Right’ alignment of the element fields on the screen.

      Enable Captcha

      Admins can now safeguard their organization's sensitive information from potential threats by implementing Captcha.

      Enable Comments

      Organizations and Workspaces have the option to disable the comments which feature in their apps if user collaboration is deemed unnecessary.

      Disable Comments GIF

      Show/Hide Others in Gender

      Enabling this setting allows others to view and potentially modify gender-related information in the profile settings.

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