  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors


      Article summary

      A Role defines a set of permissions or access rights that determine what actions users with that role can perform within an organization. On the Quixy platform, users play their part according to the roles assigned to them.


      Use Case: Project Management

      In a project management scenario, roles are crucial for defining responsibilities and access levels within the team. Let's say you're managing a software development project using Quixy:

      1. Project Manager: The Project Manager oversees the entire project. They have access to all project-related applications, including task tracking, resource management, and budget tracking. They can create and assign tasks, monitor progress, and generate reports.

      2. Developer: Developers work on coding and implementing features. They have access to the task tracking application, where they can view and update task statuses, collaborate with team members, and submit their work for review.

      3. Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer: QA Engineers are responsible for testing the software for bugs and issues. They have access to the testing and bug tracking applications, where they can create test cases, log bugs, and verify fixes.

      4. Designer: The Designer is responsible for creating the user interface and graphics for the software. They have access to the design application, where they can create and share design mockups and assets.

      5. Client: The Client is an external stakeholder who wants to track the project's progress. They have limited access to a dashboard that shows project status, milestones, and key metrics.

      By assigning roles to each team member, you ensure that they have the right level of access and responsibilities to perform their tasks efficiently. This also helps in maintaining security and ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel.

      How to create a Role?

      1. Click on Admin MenuUsers Create Role.  

      2. Give the role a name, and description that clarifies the role's responsibilities and permissions (if required) for the role.  

      3. Click on Save.

      Great! A Role has been created.

      Assign Role to a User


      Before proceeding, ensure you understand how to create a user and familiarize yourself with the article about users. Remember, to assign a role to someone, you must first create users. Learn about Users..

      1. Click on the Admin MenuUsers Assign Role

      2. Upon clicking on Assign Role, you can find a pop-up where it says New User Role.

      3. To begin, choose the Sandbox Environment (Dev, QA, UAT, or Live) where you want to assign roles to users. This selection determines which environment the users will have their roles assigned to. (I've chosen the Dev Environment)

      4. Choose the Workspace where you want to assign the User to that Role. (I've selected Airport Slot Booking) 

      5. You can see the roles that have already been assigned to users in that specific environment and workspace. 

      6. Click on Add User Role, located in the top right corner of the page. 

      7. Select the User(s) you wish to assign the Roles to. Click on Select User(s) drop-down and select the users.

      8. Select the Role(s) that need to be assigned to those Users. Click on Select Role(s) drop-down and select the roles.

      9. You also have the option to add a new role if you forget to do so initially. Simply click on Add New Role.

      10. Click on Save.

      Congratulations on successfully assigning a role to a user!

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