FAQs on the Form Elements Reference
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    FAQs on the Form Elements Reference

      Article summary

      What are the differences between Static Rich Text and Dynamic Rich Text? 

      Static Rich text is rich text that the end user cannot edit. It will look like a static text or heading, and if you keep it dynamic, it will show the end user the same editor window (a rich text editor) where the end user can edit and format the text. 

      What are the differences between the Text box and the Text area? 

      The Text box is used to mention the names of the elements, while the text area is used to write an address or sentences. 

      What is the use of the date range filed in date properties? 

      It is used to define a range of dates.

      What is the difference between a field name and a label name? 

      Filed name is to define a unique element name, where label name is the name that is displayed to the end user. 

      What is the use of Disable add, Disable delete, and Disable upload in Grid? 

      Once you enable these fields in the grid, for the end user, it prevents them from adding a record, deleting a record, and uploading a file element inside the grid.

      What is the use of Help text? Will that be visible in the form for the end user? 

      Help Text is a helpful tip that you want to show the user who uses the application. When you put the cursor over the element, it displays a help text. 

      What is the difference between string calculating and number calculating? 

      The Number  Formula is applied to number fields. The String   Formula is applied to string fields. One has to select the calculate field based on his choices. 

      What is the difference between a check box and a radio button? 

      This Checkbox form element is to store  true or false  values. Use it when you have a list of values where you need to select multiple options. While the radio button is used to store a single value, 

      What is the difference between a drop down and a multiple-select drop down ? 

      The radio button is used to store a single value and  multi-select drop-down is to select one or more values from the list of values. 

      What is the use of set by default in check box? 

      When you select this, the Quixy Platform automatically  takes the default element field value as true.

      What is the difference between data source references and data table references? 

      Data table references are used to fetch the data from the data table by using the data table get function, and data source references are used to fetch the data from the data source created. The data source has a collection of data from the data tables and apps. 

      Are data table functions necessary while we use data table reference? 

      Yes, the data table get function is necessary to fetch the data from the data table while we use data table reference. 

      Can we use different data tables in different workspaces when we are using data table reference? 

      No, we can only use the data tables of the specified workspace in which we are creating the app. 

      What is the difference between single and list function types? 

      The list function type is used to fetch the grid type of data, while the single function type is used to fetch the data of individual elements without a grid . 

      What is the use of the user details reference ? 

      The User DetailForm Element is to pull the details of a user in the selected form elements in the app who is registered and assigned to that app while adding records to the app. 

      Can we select the specified elements from the user details drop down ? 

      Yes, we can select the specified details of the registered users of our choice. 

      What is the use of user reference? 

      The User Reference element is used to select the users in the workspace for whom you want to send the details of the user. 

      What is the difference between a drop down and a multiple-select drop down? 

      A drop down is used to select a single element, while a multiple drop down is used to select multiple elements from a drop down. 

      Can we select the specified elements of our choice as output reference elements when we use data table reference and data source reference?

      Yes, we can select elements of our choice for both the data table reference and the data source reference from the displayed drop-down elements. 

      What is the difference between external drop down and external app references? 

      External drop down will be used to link external drop down while external app references are used to link the external app data.


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