Document Parser
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    Document Parser

      Article summary

      The Document Parser automatically extracts information from legal documents, such as Aadhaar, PAN, and Passport numbers. Its purpose is to streamline and expedite the processing of large volumes of data by automating the extraction of pertinent information from legal documents.

      Document Parsers analyze the structure of documents using machine learning algorithms to identify key data points, such as names, dates, addresses, and other relevant information embedded within the document. Once the relevant data is identified, the Document Parser can extract and make it available within an application.

      For more information on the properties and end-user experience of the Document Parser, please refer to the video below.

      Document Parser - Properties

      Select Document Type: The Document type is eKYC by default.

      Select Document: Select the document from predefined options, including Aadhar Card, Passport (IND), and Permanent Account Number (PAN).

      Select Elements: Choose the specific elements of the selected document that need to be extracted. These elements will be configured upon selecting the document.

      Field Name: This allows CDs to provide a unique name to the field for its identity.

      Label Name: This allows CDs to provide the final visible name of the field to the end-users.

      Don't Show: This allows CDs to hide the Text field.


      The hidden field doesn't appear in the real-time application upon selecting Don't Show.

      Validation Settings

      Required Field: This enables CDs to ensure that users provide essential information in the field, preventing oversight or omission of essential data.

      Field Themes

      Font Properties

      Field Label Color: CDs can choose or change the color of the field.

      Field Label Size: CDs can change the size of the field to small, medium, large, or custom.

      Field Label Style: CDs can apply styles like bold or italic to the field name.

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