Collaborators in Quixy are users with specific permissions granted by workspace or organizational admins to manage artifacts within their branch. These collaborators have the ability to create, edit, and delete artifacts within that branch, but they cannot deploy the artifact to the next stage or environment. This addition to the platform is designed to facilitate collaborative development and streamline work management, giving collaborators a focused set of permissions compared to the actual branch admins.
Collaborators cannot be added to General and Admin Branch. They can only be added for newly created Branch.
Admins can easily add or remove collaborators as needed for a project. They can add any workspace admin as a collaborator. Once added, collaborators can access the branch.
Benefits of Collaborators in Quixy:
Collaborators can contribute to the workflow by managing artifacts without needing full administrative access.
Administrators can grant selective access to collaborators, ensuring data security and controlled development processes.
By distributing tasks among collaborators, development speed can be increased, leading to faster project completion.
To add collaborators, the organization must upgrade to the Advanced Sandbox version. The admin must be the branch owner, and there must be at least one branch created.
How do I add collaborators?
Admin must switch to the DEV stage from live upon login.
Click on the Admin menu → Apps → Manage apps.
Upon landing on the Manage apps page, click on Branch Switch.
Choose the branch and click View Artifact Summary.
To the left, click the Add Collaborators.
The platform allows you to add up to seven collaborators in a branch.
A pop-up will open for you to choose the email address of the person you want to add as a collaborator.
Click on Save.
Please watch the GIF below for reference.