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      Article summary

      The Checklist combines with a Look-up to display a list of options that users can select from using checkboxes. This allows users to select multiple options at once, which is useful when they need to choose several values from a list.

      For adding a Checklist field, you need to specify the following properties:

      Check List - Properties

      • Field Name: Provide a unique name for the field which is visible for CDs while building application.

      • Label Name: Provide a unique name for the field which will be visible for the end-users.

      • Select Lookup: Choose a set of pre-defined values from Lookups (To do that, you must create a Look-up). Learn more about Look-ups.

      • Description: Sets the description for the field.

      Field Themes

      Font Properties

      • Field Label Color: Choose or modify the color of the label name.

      • Field Label Size: Select the label size: Small, Medium, Large, or Custom.

      • Field Label Style: Apply styles such as Bold or Italic to the label name.

      • Field Value Color: Modify the color of the field's value.

      • Field Value Size: Select the field size: Small, Medium, Large, or Custom.

      • Field Value Style: Apply styles like Bold or Italic to the field value.

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