App Notifications
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    App Notifications

      Article summary

      In Quixy, notifications can be configured for various scenarios within an application. These notifications are triggered based on specific actions or events within the application. Here's an overview of how to configure app notifications, task completed notifications, task completed initiator notifications, task created notifications, task escalation notifications, and task reminder notifications:

      App Notifications

      These notifications will trigger when ever an action is taken in the application i.e., when an action button is clicked at a particular workflow step or when a particular workflow step is completed.

      How to configure app notifications? 

      • To configure app notifications, select the app in which you want to configure the notifications and open its view page.

      • Click the Events as shown in the above image and select Notifications.

      • Click the Add tab to add a new notification.

      Follow the steps below to configure the app notifications.

      • Select the Notification Type as App Notification.
      • Give a Name to the notification in Notification Name field.
      • Select the Level at which the notification should trigger according to your requirement based on the definition given for each step.
        1. App Level: If you select App Level, then the notification is sent when the app Work flow is completed.
        2. Step Level: If you select Step Level, then after completing the selected step in the workflow, notification is sent.
        3. Action Level: If you select this, and enabling step action in workflow; then after completing the selected action, notification is sent.
      • According to the option you select in the level drop-down, system will ask you to select the Level Reference which is self-explanatory. Select an option according to your requirement.
      • Select Report To Type, for whom you want to send notifications.
      • Report To Type drop down displays the following.
        • Users
        • Roles
        • Assignee Manager
        • Assignee
        • App Data
      • If Report To Type is Users then the next drop down displays the list of users belongs to the organization.
      • If Report To Type is Roles then the next drop down displays the list of Roles belongs to the organization.
      • If Report To Type is Assignee Manager then the next drop down displays the Managers belongs to the organization.
      • If Report To Type is Assignee then the notification will be triggered to the person who assigned the task or who initiated the application.
      • If Report To Type is App Data then the next drop down displays the App Data.
      • CC To Type drop-down will have same list as Report To Type drop-down and it is self-explanatory.
      • Click Add Rule, if you want to send notifications based on a condition, i.e., If you want to send an app notification(s) with different email content to different recipients based on type or value of the purchase order.

      The configuration would look similar as it is shown in the image below.

      • Once the configuration is completed, click next to land on Email configuration page.

      • On this page, you need to configure the Email & SMS body. The same Email & SMS template would be sent to the recipients.
      • On the left of the page, you will find the form fields which you can place in the Email & SMS body. When an email is sent out, platform will fetch data into these fields and send the email.

      • To place these form fields in the email body, simply select the desired form field on the left and then click anywhere on the email body space on the right, as shown below.

      You have provision to send the files that you uploaded in the application as attachments along with the email. Refer to the image below.
      • Once the Email template is configured, click Save.
      When customizing the Email Templates, you can even use multiple languages within the templates. Refer to the GIF below. (1)-1
      You can follow the same process as explained above for Notification Type: App Notification to configure the rest of the Notification Types (i.e., Task Completed, Task Created, etc.)

      2. Task Completed: When a task is generated to a user, and he/she completes the task then a notification will be triggered based on the configuration.

      You can follow the similar steps how you configured the App Notification to configure notifications for task completed.

      3. Task Completed Initiator: When a task is generated to a user, and he/she completes the task then a notification will be triggered to the task initiator based on the configuration.

      4. Task Created: When a task is created from this app, then a notification will be triggered to configured users.

      5. Task Escalation: When an assigned task is not completed by a user with in the given time limit you can configure this option to send escalations to his/her manager. You can set intervals according to which the notifications will get triggered.

      The escalation emails trigger either based on the defined intervals of time (Repeated in hours) or based on the number of occurrences.

      Learn more about configuring Task Escalations...

      6. Task Reminder: This is used to send reminder notifications to the users about their tasks, which are generated from the current app to complete them before the task meets the deadline. You can set intervals according to which the notifications will be triggered. 

      The reminder emails are triggered either based on the defined intervals of time (Repeated in hours) or based on the number of occurrences.

      Learn more about configuring Task Reminders...

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