External Integrations (App Integrations)
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    External Integrations (App Integrations)

      Article summary

      In this article, you will learn how to transfer data from the Quixy application to a third-party application and what parameters to obtain from the third-party application.

      This is a sub-article. Please read the main article before you continue to read this article.

      External Integrations (App integrations) in Quixy are mainly used to establish a connection between the Quixy platform and 3rd party platform using application programming interface (APIs). Once connected, the app can request and share data freely with the other app.

      Now-a-days, real-time monitoring of an API call's response is essential for some business use-cases, at times, it can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. But with Quixy's Integrations, you may easily capture the API response data.


      Assume an ERP company uses the Quixy platform as the first step in their Order Fulfilment Process to allow its users to place an order. Now, when a new order is initiated in Quixy, the Quixy platform connects to the ERP Company (third-party system) through integrations to generate a tracking number and return it to Quixy to save the response data for the future order processing and tracking. 

      In order to ensure that, your app should have the required data capturing fields to capture the API response data, and you need to verify that the correct mappings are made to the fields while configuring the Integrations.

      Do you wish to have a quick look at the Integration API Response configuration?

      How to configure app integrations?

      1. You should create an app with all the necessary data capturing fields whose data you want to send to a 3rd party system after making a transaction in that app.
      2. To consume Report API, it is mandatory for the third-party platforms to have a bearer token for authentication. To generate the bearer token, one should have Integration Access in Quixy.
      • Go to Manage Apps -> App Summary Page -> App Events -> Integrations.

      • Hover the cursor on the Integrations event, click Add.

      • You will land on the integrations configuration page.

      • There are three types of integrations in Quixy:
        • Custom: This is the most common type for integrating the Quixy application with a third-party system.
        • Zapier Webhook: When a 3rd-party system does not allow for direct integration with the Quixy platform, this option is used. Third-party systems will generate a webhook, which we must connect to.
        • Payments Gateway: Payment Gateway Integrations are for seamless online money transactions from Quixy apps.
        • System Function: This type is introduced in the app integrations specifically to bridge a connection between Quixy's back-end low-code and button control in the app to modify/manipulate data in the app form before the actual transaction happens. This connection enables the button control to use the power of low-code to open up possibilities to achieve complex form validations or data manipulations within the app which otherwise wouldn't be possible with business rules.

      Custom Integration Configuration

      • Select the Integration Type as Custom

      • Enter the API Name and API Url, obtained from the 3rd party platform.

      • Next, select the Work Flow Step and Work Flow Step Action, according to which the integration should initiate.
      • Select Without Authorization as the Authentication Type, if the integration API is an Open API without any security layer.
      • Select With Authorization as the Authentication Type, if the integration API is a secured API with a security layer.
      • For APIs with authorizationenter the security details in the respective fields obtained from the 3rd party system, as shown below.


      • Add the Custom Headers.
      • Set the Has Mapping radio button to YES, If you have a Json body, shared by the 3rd party system, to map the data fields in the Json body to the fields in the Quixy app. 
      • Set the Has Mapping radio button to No, If the 3rd party system doesn't share any Json body.
      We have different configuration processes for Has Mapping and Has no Mapping.

      Configuration when integration Has Mapping:


      You need to enter the following details:

      1. JSON Object, obtain from the third-party platform.
      2. Object Name, obtain from the third-party platform.


      • Select the Type as Single, if you want to map only individual data capturing fields.
      • Select the Type as List, if you want to map Grid's data capturing fields along with the individual data capturing fields.
      • After filling in all the required details, click Create Mapping and map the elements in the JSON Object to the elements present in the Quixy app.


      To receive a response to an API call you made and save the data from the API response. Follow the below process. 

      • Set the Has Response Mapping radio button to YES, If you want the response data to the API call.
      • Provide the Response Json Object, click Create Response Mapping, map the API's response data fields to the data capturing fields in the Quixy app.

      • Set the Has Mapping radio button to No, If you do not want the response data to the API call.
      • Click Save.

      Configuration when integration Has no Mapping

      • Set the Has Mapping to No.
      • Since there isn't any mapping to be done, you can simply Save the configuration.

      How to configure Zapier Webhook integrations?

      • Select the Integration Type as Zapier Webhook.


      • Enter the Webhook Name and Webhook Url obtained from the 3rd party system.
      • Select the Work Flow Step and Work Flow Step Action, according to which the integration should initiate.
      • Select the Type as Single, if you want to map only individual data capturing fields.
      • Select the Type as List, if you want to map Grid's data capturing fields along with the individual data capturing fields.
      • Provide the JSON Object obtained from the 3rd party system.
      • Click Create Mapping and map the data fields in the JSON Object to data fields in the Quixy app.

      To receive a response to an API call you made and save the data from the API response.

      • Set the Has Response Mapping radio button to YES, If you want the response data to the API call.
      • Provide the Response JSON Object, click Create Response Mapping, map the API's response data fields to the data capturing fields in the Quixy app.


      • Set the Has Mapping radio button to No, If you do not want the response data to the API call.
      • Click Save.

      How to configure System Function

      • Select the Integration Type as System Integration.


      • Provide a name to the integration.
      • Select the Button Control from the Select Action Button.
      • Select the System Function (back-end low-code) from the Select system function.
      • According to the system function selected, the platform will list all the input and output fields available in the low-code which you need to map to the app-fields. This mapping helps the platform to understand which data in the app needs to be put to work and get modified/manipulated according to the defined low-code.


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